Support the work

By financially supporting this work, you are supporting me, Carolyn, the non-binary queer mixed race Black Indigenous person driving this work, and supporting the development of recovery that is soul-nourishing and deeply healing for the collective. You are saying yes to breaking the cycle of addiction through deep healing and liberation.

If you see how capitalism, white supremacy, patriarchy, and ableism have perpetuated wealth inequality and have vested interest in upholding addiction and preventing widespread access to recovery. I invite you to consider contributing on a monthly basis for at least the next 6 months. This can also be a form of radical redistribution, as the cycle of addiction is linked with colonization, capitalism, ableism, white supremacy, and patriarchy. As our economic system is inherently founded upon the dehumanization of Black, Indigenous, people of color as justification for slavery, land stealing, and exploitation, and the legacy of that manifests in addiction.

reparational redistribution written over stars and space

If 100 people contribute $25 a month, we can comfortably support expanding the offering of continuous recovery support and community building. I invite you to pay what you can afford, to contribute from a place of abundance.

If you are a person in recovery who has identified that part of their amends is to contribute financially to healing these cycles, I welcome you to contribute to this work. If you have come from inherited wealth and/or and have disposable income, I invite you to provide monthly support at a higher rate. If you would like to contribute financially and can only afford the lower tiers or forming pods with others to sustain higher tiers, please know that this means so much! I receive your generosity and care deeply.

If you cannot contribute financially and instead would like to offer non-monetary exchange, feel free to contact me.

In addition, supporting the Patreon enables me to dedicate myself to this work full-time and promote my wellness by keeping me out of capitalist, oppressive work environments and systems, keeping this work sustainable long-term.

Credit to Worts & Cunning for teachings on sliding scale and economic justice and to my comrades at Business for the People for showing me there are sustainable, alternative ways of being while we are in the in-between of capitalism and our dream anti-capitalist collectives.